Urban Food Market, T2 Beijing Airport, Beijing China

Rather Have Fangbianmian

Category: ,

Ordered at Urban Food Market in the International Departure section of Beijing Airport's Terminal 2

Overall Score 59.7/100
Presentation 6.9/10 Meat Quality 4.2/10
Fruit / Vegetable Quality 4.4/10 Bread Quality 6/10
Mayo / Sauce Usage 6.9/10 Value 7.1/10
Ingredients Ratio 6.2/10 Sides 6/10
Holdability 7.8/10 Overall Taste 4.2/10

Urban Food Market was a new addition to Beijing’s Terminal 2 international departures since I had last been here, almost 4 years ago.

One would not believe the food tour Rachel and I went on during our 48 hours and Beijing. We literally crossed everything off our food bucket list. And I was proud that my stomach handled it all!

It was really fun being back in China with Rachel. We hadn’t been back here together in six years. So much had changed and so much had stayed the same… to me it was still the China I knew and loved with a few innovations. Including tons of trash bicycles part of dockless systems strewn everywhere.

I was on a food tour of China and Japan, an impromptu trip that I had booked just 10 days prior. For many reasons I decided to take this trip, but most of all I wanted to drown myself in delicious delectables.

Rachel and I parted ways at Beijing’s International Airport, her heading to the Philippines and I heading to Osaka. Both sad and excited, I left her side and continued to my flight.

Urban Food Market appeared to provide the break in-between Asian meals that my body needed. With an hour before my flight, I wanted to relax, get caught up on some emails, and breathe in the last of Beijing’s polluted air (which friends had told me was getting better, but I did not think so).

I’m pretty sure the ingredients were mislabeled on this club sandwich. And clearly the chef here had no idea what a panini was. There were definitely two types of cheese in this. The ham was a mix between bacon and some rubbery substance. Honestly, while it wasn’t good at all, it was more edible than some of the other club sandwiches I’ve had in China. The two cheeses really drowned out any flavor that could come out of this club sandwich. Maybe that was a good thing… Heated up, I would’ve loved to have seen this cheese melt into the rest the sandwich giving it almost grilled cheese feeling. Perhaps if the ingredients actually matched what was in this sandwich it would have been better… but as is, it was almost inedible. Almost.

I didn’t finish it. There was no need to. I decided I’d rather fill up on a fangbianmian before my flight.

And I was off to Osaka. 



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